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Interview Links
The links below are to reviews, stories and interviews of and by Rebecca, from years past. Click the links to the right of each title to enjoy the articles, podcasts and interviews.
JazzTimes feature article May, 2011
by Christopher Loudon
New York Times review of Judy Garland show
August 11, 2012
Rebecca Kilgore’s ‘Jazzy Side of Judy Garland,’
at Feinstein’s by Stephen Holden
A Decade of Swing and Fun! posted June 21, 2012
by Michael Steinman on his blog, JAZZ LIVES
The Wall Street Journal review of Marilyn Monroe show August 12, 2011
by Will Friedwald
New York Times review of Marilyn Monroe show August 12, 2011
by Stephen Holden
New York Times preview of Marilyn Monroe show August 6, 2011
by John Marchese
Wall Street Journal article 4/27/11
by Will Friedwald
Wall Street Journal article 7/29/10
by Will Friedwald
New York Times review 8/4/10
by Stephen Holden
July 2, 2010: The Rebecca Kilgore Quartet (the artists formerly known as BED) received a rave review from Michael Steinman on his blog, Jazz Lives,
All About Jazz lists the new CD in its Recommended New Listening, November 2008
Rebecca is written-up in Scott Yanow's new book, published October 2008
Rebecca Kilgore on NPR's Fresh Air with Terry Gross
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